Want updates about upcoming TI events?

Aquinas on Friendship and Human Excellence - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Thomas Hibbs (Baylor University)
Mondays and Wednesday, March 24 - April 23

How to Contemplate Like St. Dominic & St. Thomas Aquinas – A Summa Reading Group - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Fr. Cassian Derbes, O.P. (University of Notre Dame)
Thursdays, March 6 - April 3

Infused Temperance and the Passions - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Dr. Adam Eitel (University of Dallas)
Mondays and Wednesday, February 17 - March 12

Doomers, Optimists, and the Hopeful: Aquinas on Hope - An Alumni Only Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group for TI Alumni
Led by Dr. R.J. Snell (Witherspoon Institute)
Tuesdays, October 29 - November 19

Power, Pleasure, Glory, or Fortune? Aquinas on Happiness - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Michael Wahl (Providence College)
Mondays, October 28 - November 18

Aquinas on Happiness - A Summa Reading Group for Young Professionals in Indonesia
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Joshua Hochschild (Mount St. Mary’s University)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 16 - May 9

The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit - An Alumni Only Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group for TI Alumni
Led by Prof. Eleonore Stump (Saint Louis University)
Wednesdays, April 3 - April 24

Aquinas on Happiness - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Michael Wahl (Providence College)
Mondays and Wednesdays, March 4 - March 27

The Infused Virtues - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Adam Eitel (University of Dallas)
Mondays and Wednesdays, February 28 - March 27

The Third Way: A Dead End? - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. John O’Callaghan (University of Notre Dame)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 6 - February 29

The Holy Trinity - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies)
Mondays and Wednesdays, February 5 - March 4

The Incarnate Word and the Sacraments - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Roger Nutt (Ave Maria University)
Tuesdays, November 7 - November 28

Justice and Mercy Shall Meet: God’s Compassion - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. John O’Callaghan (University of Notre Dame)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 2 - November 30

Aquinas on Sin - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Jennifer Frey (University of Tulsa)
Mondays, October 16 - November 6

Hope According to St. Thomas - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Thomas Hibbs (Baylor University)
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, October 3 - October 25

Prudence: Right Reason in Acting - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Daniel De Haan (University of Oxford)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 19 - October 12

Is God Beyond Words? Aquinas on Divine Naming - A Summa Reading Group
A Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Joshua Hochschild (Mount St. Mary’s University)
Mondays and Wednesdays, September 11 - October 4

Natural Law Theory and Ethical Decision-Making - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Sarah Byers (Boston College)
Friday, April 14 to Friday May 5

Aquinas on Sin - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Adam Eitel (Yale University)
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, April 4 to 26

Morality of the Passions - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Matthew Dugandzic (St. Mary's Seminary & University)
Tuesday, Mar. 7 to Friday, Mar. 31

How Human Beings Think about God - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Erik Dempsey (The University of Texas at Austin)
Monday, Mar. 6 to Wednesday, Mar. 29

Sorrow and the Virtues - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Prof. Thomas Hibbs (Baylor University)
Tuesday, Feb. 7 to Thursday, Mar. 2

St. Thomas on Sin - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Dr. Adam Eitel (Yale Divinity School)
Monday, Nov. 7 to Tuesday, Nov. 29

St. Thomas on Acedia - A Summa Reading Group
Summa Reading Group
Led by Sr. Anna Wray, O.P. (The Catholic University of America)
Tuesday, Oct. 25 to Tuesday, Nov. 15