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Bridging the Sciences | Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Dominican House of Studies | Washington, DC
Wednesday, July 16 - Sunday, July 20, 2025
A symposium featuring Prof. Brian Carl(University of St. Thomas, Houston), Dr. Ileana Chinnici(INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo), Fr. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P.(Dominican House of Studies), Prof. Michelle Francl(Bryn Mawr College), Prof. Jonathan Lunine(Cornell University), Fr. Philip-Neri Reese, O.P.(Angelicum), and Prof. Santiago Schnell (University of Notre Dame).

Lumen Mundi: The Nature of Light and Its Effects in Nature | Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Dominican House of Studies | Washington, DC
Wednesday, July 17 - Sunday, July 21, 2024
A conference featuring Dr. Stephen Barr (Society of Catholic Scientists), Prof. John H. Boyer (Loyola University of New Orleans), Prof. Brian Carl (University of St. Thomas, Houston), Provost Christopher Clemens (UNC at Chapel Hill), Fr. Thomas Davenport, O.P. (Angelicum), Prof. Richard Hassing (The Catholic University of America), Prof. Keith Kozminski (University of Virginia), Prof. Catherine Peters (Loyola Marymount University), Fr. Jordan Schmidt, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies), Prof. Vincenzo Tamma (University of Portsmouth), and Prof. Matthew Wohlever (University of Pittsburgh).

Fourth Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Fourth Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium: Complexity, Simplicity, and Emergence

Third Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Third Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium: Chance and Indeterminacy in the Natural World

CANCELLED | Third Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Third Annual Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium: Chance and Indeterminacy in the Natural World

Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science Symposium
Expert scientists and philosophers will discuss whether Thomistic philosophy is compatible with our modern scientific view of nature and how the two might enrich one another.