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On the Christian Moral Revolution

Yale Law School

Sterling Law Building Room 128

12:10 pm

A lecture by Prof. Remi Brague (the Sorbonne)

Free and open to the public.

Lecture Description:

How did Christianity change the course of thinking about ethics? What are its implications and in what ways did it bring a moral revolution to the world? Join Rémi Brague as he discusses how Christianity did not add any new commandment to the Bible, but contented itself with rational Law, deepening it and enlarging the field in which its rulings obtain.

Speaker Bio:

Rémi Brague is Emeritus Professor of Medieval and Arabic Philosophy at the University of Paris I. He teaches also at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität of Munich where he holds the chair Romano Guardini. He was visiting professor at the Pennsylvania State University (Visiting Associate Professor), Boston University-U.S. (John Findlay Visiting Professor), Boston College-U.S. (Hans-Georg Gadamer Visting Professor), the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) and at the University San Raffaele (Milan). He is member of the Institut de France (Academy of moral and political sciences).

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