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A Spiritual Lifeline: Why We Should Go to Confession?

Duke University

Perkins 217

7:00 PM

A lecture by Fr. Dominic Langevin, OP (Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception)

Free and open to the public. 

This event is co-sponsored by the Duke Catholic Center.


Speaker Bio: 

Fr. Langevin entered the Order of Friars Preachers in 1998 and was ordained a priest in 2005. He was previously assigned as a parochial vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish in Charlottesville, Virginia, serving the University of Virginia. While working on his doctorate at the University of Fribourg, Father Langevin was employed full-time there as the assistant to the Chair of Dogmatic Theology for Ecclesiology and the Sacraments. Father Langevin joined the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in the fall of 2013. He teaches courses in sacramental theology and liturgiology. He is the book review editor of the journal The Thomist. His book, From Passion to Paschal Mystery (Academic Press Fribourg, 2015), analyzes 20th-century Church teaching on the relationship between the sacraments (focusing on baptism and the Eucharist) and the events of Christ’s life. His primary research interest is general sacramental theology.

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