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Holy Week: Love and the Cross | A Symposium of Students from Florida

  • University of Florida Gainesville, FL, 32608 United States (map)

University of Florida | Gainesville, Florida

Thomistic Institute chapter leaders and students from Florida are invited to attend a Symposium hosted by the University of Florida and University of North Florida!

Students will have the opportunity to come together socially, intellectually, and spiritually during this two-day event.

Lecture Schedule:

  • Suffering and the Narrative of Redemption: Why God Allows Us to Suffer by Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel, O.P., S.T.D. (Aquinas College) | 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 12

  • A Nuptial Reading of the Paschal Mystery by Dr. Nina S. Heereman (St. Patrick’s Seminary & University) | 11:30 AM on Saturday, April 12

  • Love’s Master Class: the Saving Doctrine of Christ Crucified by Fr. Irenaeus Dunlevy, O.P. (Thomistic Institute) | 4:00 PM on Saturday, April 12

About the speakers:

Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel, O.P., S.T.D., is a member of the St. Cecilia Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Nashville, Tennessee. She has been active in her religious community’s teaching apostolate for over fifteen years and assists with the theological formation of the newest members of her religious congregation, serving as Associate Professor of Theology at Aquinas College. In addition to contributing articles to a number of journals and magazines, including the Vatican newspaper (L’Osservatore Romano), The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, The Linacre Quarterly, and the Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, her favorite projects have been serving as editor-in-chief of her Congregation’s book, Praying as a Family, directing a television series of the same title with EWTN, co-directing the documentary Undivided Heart, and serving as the creator and founding Director of the University of Dallas Studies in Catholic Faith & Culture Program.

Dr. Nina S. Heereman was born and raised in Germany. Originally trained to become a lawyer and after completing her bar exam, she experienced a deep encounter with the Lord which led her to consecrate her life to the study and teaching of the Word of God. She subsequently attended the ICPE school of Evangelization in India, Banglore, and studied theology in Frankfurt and Rome.  She received an STB from the Pontifical Gregorian University, an SSL from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and the SSD from the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem and the Université de Fribourg. She has taught as a visiting professor at the Collège des Bernhardins in Paris, the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, the DSPT in Berkley, and is currently Associate Professor for Sacred Scripture at St. Patrick’s Seminary & University. Her scholarly interests include a reintegration of Exegesis with Systematic and Spiritual Theology. She is the author of Behold King Solomon on the Day of His Wedding (Leuven: Peeters, 2021), and Athirst for the Spirit (Steubenville: Emmaus Press, 2023).

Fr. Irenaeus Dunlevy, O.P., is a Coordinator for Campus Outreach at the Thomistic Institute in Washington, DC. He has served as a parochial vicar at St. Pius V Church in Providence, RI, as well as an adjunct professor and assistant chaplain at Providence College. He originates from Columbus, OH, studied architecture in Virginia and Switzerland, and practiced in the DC area before entering the Order of Preachers in 2013. He was ordained a priest in 2020 at the Dominican House of Studies during the quarantine. In his work with the Thomistic Institute, he has given talks on the virtue of penance and the use of metaphor in Scripture. He often travels the country visiting Thomistic Institute Campus Chapters, leading seminars that help students grasp Thomistic concepts. Additionally, he coordinates the TI's intellectual retreat programming, which affords students time to pray and integrate into their lives Thomistic theology and philosophy.

For further information, please contact Ms. Emma Jones at

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