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The Virgin Mother of God: Mary in the Bible and Church Teaching

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

3304 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201

7:00 pm

A lecture by Prof. Joshua Benson (Catholic University of America)

A reception will follow.

This is the first of three lectures in the 2017-2018 academic year co-sponsored by the Thomistic Institute and the Diocese of Arlington. 

This event is free and open to the public. 

Lecture Description:

Even cradle Catholics sometimes seem confused about who Mary is and what Catholics believe. A prime example is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Sometimes Catholics think this refers to Mary's conception of Christ or some see it as an expression of Catholic guilt about the body. We can ground all our thinking about Mary, however, in a simple place: she is the Virgin Mother of God. From this vantage point, Catholic teaching about Mary can be unified and understood as deeply rooted in God's Word and the tradition of reflection upon it.

Speaker Bio:

Joshua Benson received his Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Saint Louis University in 2007 where he focused on medieval theology, especially the thought of Saint Bonaventure. He also holds an MA in Franciscan Studies from the Franciscan Institute (St. Bonaventure University, 2002) and a BA in Philosophy (Canisius College, 2000). Dr. Benson's current research focuses on producing editions of twelfth-century biblical commentaries (1150-1200) and early thirteenth-century commentaries on the Peter Lombard's Sentences (1225-1250). He currently lives in Maryland with his wife and four children.

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Science & Religion: the Myth of Conflict

September 27

Thomism of the Body: St. John Paul II's Thomistic Anthropology of Marriage and Sexuality