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"The Tetragrammaton (YHWH) and the God of the Old Testament"

Brown University

Petteruti Lounge of the Robert Campus Center

7:00 pm

A lecture by Prof. Gregory Vall (Notre Dame Seminary of New Orleans)

This event is co-sponsored by the Brown-RISD Catholic Community

Free and open to the public.

Lecture Description:

The divine name YHWH, revealed to Moses at the burning bush, is the most frequently occurring (6,639 times) and theologically important word in the Hebrew Old Testament. This lecture will clear up common misconceptions surrounding this word and explain its unique role in God’s historical self-revelation to Israel. It will also consider the relationship between the name YHWH and the revelation of God in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The goal of the lecture is to help the audience become more knowledgeable readers of the Bible.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Gregory Vall is Professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary (1992–2000 and 2015–present). He also taught at the Catholic University of America (1989–1992), the Franciscan University of Steubenville (2000–2004), and Ave Maria University (2004–2015), where he served as Director of the Ph.D. Program. Dr. Vall holds a Ph.D. in Semitic Languages and Literatures from the Catholic University of America (1993). He is the author of Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption (CUA Press, 2013) and has published articles in Biblica, The Bible Today, Catholic Biblical Quarterly,Journal of Biblical Literature, Nova et Vetera, Seminary Journal,The Thomist, and Vetus Testamentum. Dr. Vall is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. He and his wife Lourdes and their four children reside in Covington, Louisiana.

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