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The Natural Law Justification of Capital Punishment

Brown University

Petteruti Lounge in the Stephen Robert '62 Campus Center

7:00 pm 

A lecture by Prof. Edward Feser (Pasadena City College). Response by Prof. James Keating (Providence College)

Free and open to the public

Speaker Bios:

Prof. Edward Feser is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Pasadena City College, and has also been a Visiting Assistant Professor at Loyola Marymount University. He received a PhD in philosophy from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is the author of books including Philosophy of Mind (A Beginner's Guide), The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism, Aquinas (A Beginner's Guide), Scholastic Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction, Neo-Scholastic Essays, Five Proofs for the Existence of God, and By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed: A Catholic Defense of Capital Punishment (with Joseph Bessette). He blogs at

James F. Keating is an Associate Professor of Theology at Providence and Director of its Humanities Program. He has published on the work of Wolfhart Pannenberg, foundationalism in theology, divine impassibility, the motives of credibility in the act of faith, Catholic higher education, and the theological relevance of historical Jesus research. Recent publications include a treatment of the Catholic Theological Society of America and Catholicism in the 1970’s.

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