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The Bonds of Love: Thomas Aquinas on Family, Friends and Nation

  • University of Texas, Austin Austin, TX United States (map)

An intellectual retreat examining the relationship and responsibilities every person has through friendship, family ties and citizenship.

Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center - Temple, TX

NOTE: This Intellectual Retreat event has replaced the UT Austin chapter’s conference that was scheduled for Saturday, October 24th, “The Bonds of Love: Thomas Aquinas on Family, Friends, and Nation.”


  • Begins with check-in at 4:00pm on Friday, October 23rd

  • Concludes with check-out at 12:30pm on Sunday, October 25th


  • Prof. Erik Dempsey - UT Austin

  • Prof. Thomas Osborne - University of St. Thomas, Houston

Conference Titles: 1. Introduction: Charity as a Virtue ||| 2. The Order of Charity and Political Life ||| 3. The Order of Charity and the Family ||| 4. The Order of Charity and Friendship ||| 5. The Common Good of the Universe

Description: "What we love from charity must have some sort of order with reference to God, who is the first principle of this love." St. Thomas Aquinas taught that charity, the love of God which is poured out into our hearts by the Spirit, makes it possible for human beings to become true friends of God. A friend is like another self, sharing intimately in the highest goods, especially in a common contemplation of the Good itself and in generous acts of virtue.

And yet God the Son tells us, "love your enemies." An enemy is far from being "another self," and there are many grades between friend and enemy that introduce further complexity into the task of ordering our love. How can the simple union of love, which charity introduces between us and God, shed its light on the obscurity of human love and friendship? Can our many relationships — domestic, academic, political, athletic, religious — be fashioned according to the image of God's wise ordering of the universe?

This retreat will have seminars and discussions framed by the traditional elements of a retreat (Mass, adoration, Divine Office, etc.). This event is primarily for students connected with Thomistic Institute chapters, but is open to other students and young adults who express interest.

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Friday, October 23rd

4:00 pm          Check-In

5:00 pm          Vespers and Mass

6:00pm           Dinner

7:15 pm           Eucharistic Adoration and Compline (Confession available)

8:15 pm           Introductions and Logistics

8:25 pm          Charity as a Virtue – Fr. Ephrem Reese, O.P.

9:15 pm           Recreation


Saturday, October 24th

7:40 am          Lauds

8:00 am          Breakfast

8:45 am          The Order of Charity and Political Life – Prof. Osborne

10:00 am        Mass

10:45 am        The Order of Charity and the Family – Prof. Dempsey

12:00 pm        Lunch

3:00 pm          The Order of Charity and Friendship – Prof. Dempsey

4:15 pm           Break

4:30 pm           Quodlibetal Questions

5:40 pm           Vespers

6:00 pm          Dinner

7:15 pm           Eucharistic Adoration and Compline (Confession available)

8:15 pm           Brainstorming

8:45pm           Recreation

Sunday, October 25th

7:40 am          Lauds

8:00 am          Breakfast

8:45 am          The Common Good of the Universe – Prof. Osborne

10:00 am         Holy Hour

11:00 am         Mass

12:00 pm        Lunch

1:00 pm          Departure

October 23

Arguments for God's Existence: Recent Work on Ancient Arguments

October 26

The Challenge and Opportunity of Genome Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations