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Rebuilding Civilization: Irish-American Catholic Humanitarianism, 1943–1958

Trinity College Dublin

A lecture by Prof. Patrick Houlihan (Trinity College Dublin)

Thursday, February 13th

7:00 PM

Thomas Davis Theatre (Room 2043 in the Arts Block)

This lecture is free and open to the public.

About the speaker:

Patrick J. Houlihan is Assistant Professor of Twentieth-Century European History. Before taking up his position at Trinity, he was a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His book, Catholicism and the Great War: Religion and Everyday Life in Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1914-1922 (Cambridge University Press, 2015), was awarded the Fraenkel Prize of the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide. He earned his PhD in History from the University of Chicago, where he trained in modern transnational European and Global History, particularly Germany, Austria-Hungary (and the successor states), and the Vatican. A former visiting fellow at the British School at Rome, his research funding also has included grants from the European Academy of Religion, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), the American Philosophical Society, the Cushwa Center (University of Notre Dame), and the Fulbright Program. His research interests include war and ideology in European and Global History from the American Revolution to the present. 

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