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Edith Stein and Thomism

Thomistic Institute in London

A lecture by Prof. Robert McNamara (Franciscan University of Steubenville)

Thursday, March 6th

7:00 PM

Farm Street Church

This lecture is free and open to the public.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Robert McNamara is an associate professor of philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville, associate series editor of Edith Stein Studies, associate scholar of the Hildebrand Project, associate member of faculty at the International Theological Institute and the Maryvale Institute, and a founding member of the Aquinas Institute of Ireland. Robert researches anthropological and metaphysical questions in medieval and phenomenological thinkers, especially as both bear reference to philosophical personalism. He has studied physics and computing, philosophy and theology, and received his Ph.D. for research in the thought of Edith Stein and Thomas Aquinas. Robert is originally from Galway, Ireland and now lives in Steubenville, Ohio (though currently residing in Gaming, Austria) with his wife, Caroline, and their four children, Vivian, John, Catherine, and Oran.

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