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How to Die: St. Macrina and Christian Death

University of Dallas

A lecture by Prof. Carl Vennerstrom (Augustine Institute)

Wednesday, November 8

6:00 PM

Gorman B

This lecture is free and open to the public.

About the Speaker:

Carl Vennerstrom is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology where he teaches Church History. He specializes in patristic theology and studies monasticism, scriptural interpretation, and the writings of Evagrius of Pontus. He received his PhD in Early Christian Studies from the Catholic University of America. While there, he taught a variety of language and history courses in the department of Greek and Latin, as well as at the Dominican House of Studies. He is the author of "'To those who have ears to hear': Clement of Alexandria on the Parables of Jesus" in Open Theology, and he is revising a translation of Evagrius' corpus of exegetical writings for publication at Oxford University Press.

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