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Does Nature Make Laws?

Ashland University

A lecture by Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. (Catholic University of America and The Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception)

Monday, March 11th

6:00 PM

Dauch 115

This lecture is free and open to the public. If you can't make it to the lecture, make sure to listen to the recording after it is published on the Thomistic Institute podcast.

About the Speaker:

A native of Louisiana, Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., entered the Dominican Province of St. Joseph in 2005. After several years of pastoral work in New York City, Fr. Guilbeau began doctoral studies in moral theology at the University of Fribourg, where he completed a dissertation on St. Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of the common good. Currently, Fr. Guilbeau serves as the University Chaplain and Vice President for Ministry and Mission at The Catholic University of America.

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