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Catholic Theology and the Modern University

A conference at Duke Divinity School featuring John Cavadini (University of Notre Dame), Robert Wilken (University of Virgina), Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP (Thomistic Institute), Angela Knobel (Catholic University of America), Jessica Murdoch (Villanova University) and Thomas Pfau (Duke University).


Friday, February 23rd

Perkins 217

8:30 AM – Coffee & refreshments

9:00 AM - “Does the Study of Catholic Theology Have a Place in the Modern University?” by John Cavadini. Robert Wilken responding

10:30 AM – Break

11:00 AM – “Seeking Universality in Truth, Goodness and Beauty: Aquinas on the Science of Theology in the University” by Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP. 

12:30 PM – Lunch

2:00 PM - “The Commitment to Realism as the Commitment to the Other: Thomism as a Paradigm of Academic Discourse” by Jessica Murdoch. Thomas Pfau responding

3:30 PM – Break

4:00 PM - Group Panel chaired by Robert Wilken

5:30 PM - Conference concludes

February 22

How the Reformation Led to Secular Modernity

February 27

How can God be One and Three? The History of Belief in the Triune God