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Catholic Environmentalism: From St. Augustine to Pope Francis


The Catholic Center at NYU (238 Thompson St, New York, NY 10012)

7:30 pm

A lecture by Prof. Marie George (St. John's University)

This lecture is co-sponsored by the Catholic Center at NYU and the Thomistic Institute. 

Free and open to the public.

Speaker Bio:

Marie I. George is Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University, NY. An Aristotelian-Thomist, her interests lie primarily in the areas of natural philosophy and philosophy of science. She has received several awards from the John Templeton foundation for her work in science and religion. She is author of Christianity and Extraterrestrials? (2005) and Stewards of Creation: What Catholics Need to Know about Church Teaching Concerning the Environment (2009), and editor of a guide to spiritual reading (2017).

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