Intellectual Retreat Commitment Form

The Mysterious Presence of Christ in the Poor

Dominican House of Studies, Washington D.C. | April 12-14

Please read the following carefully:

The submission of this Statement of Commitment finalizes my registration for a reserved spot at the intellectual retreat on “The Mysterious Presence of Christ in the Poor” sponsored by the Thomistic Institute.

The TI is committed to stewardship. If after confirming my attendance to the retreat I do not attend, it will cause significant financial difficulty for the TI. If I do not inform the TI by e-mail of my cancellation by 4:00 PM (EDT) on Friday, March 29, I agree to pay a $100 cancellation fee to help defray the cost incurred.

Furthermore, I hereby authorize the TI or their designee to photograph and/or record (including audio, video, etc.), and to later use for its non-profit purposes, my involvement in all aspects of this retreat. This authorization is granted with the understanding that the TI will assert a copyright, but not deprive me of any other rights I may have in the material presented.